Tuesday 19 July 2011

Mumbai blast, we and so called government

The Italian mafia queen with her son kept gun on one of her trusted aide firing for her benifits if fails onus of failure goes to whose soldder utilised, the success are rare, successful in price rise, the man considers himself the sucessful in handling country's affairs.ferget about sermounting failures. how one can expect him to stop bomb blasts.

The italian mafia queen set free the Quotrochi, her uncle and allows country's monies to get transfered to Swiss Banks. her polotical secular adviser created various Mosques and Madresa's in Bharuch Dist of Gujarat. how can one expect him to stop bomb blasts.

The italian mafia queen trusted aide Diggi digging for her as per dictates if it is favourable owns it unfavourable deny it. she is testing her views by allowing Diggi to creates ripples. her acceptance or denial depends on public out cry.Diggi's statements are damaging the fabrics of the country but her faith is with Italian mafia.

The italian Mafia queen's Oxford return HM chidu. Scamist, whenever he is in ministry share bazar scam took places, he is director in many compnies, his relatives are doing share business, claims to be sucessful in HM but public knew it well what success he got.Utilising national security agencies for full filling the queens secreate agendas, providing un true informations to SC.attacking resting people at night.utilising security agency's information, to convert the information as per queens desire and send it to states to adher to it,hiding the true informations and providing the misleading informations. These and many more how one can expect him to stop bomb blasts.

The italian mafia's trusted advocate aide Sbl, the tooth advertiser, jackal in guise of man, calims to be trouble soother and negotiator for her and trouble creator for public at large. Successfully made fight against corruption a non issue, tried to shield the corrupt people, and diverted the issues to non issues.
how one can expect to stop the bomb blasts.

EC & SC are seems in favour of italian mafia queen, she rewarded the NC and Bala with lucrative rewards
for the services they rendered. how one expect to stop the Bomb blasts.

Her son and daughter expecting to head the country bomb blasts but natural with such unexperienced try and error method people. the government properties occupied by queens family are itself a corruption
how she can curtail the corruption and save the country from bomb atrocities

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